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Humble Beginnings

In the early 1800's, Catholics in Norton had to travel to Saint Mary's Church in Taunton to attend Mass.  Later, Masses were celebrated at the Old Mill in Barrowsville, at the George Arnold Mill, and at a private home in Norton. Finally in 1865, the first Catholic church in Norton, pictured at left, was built under the direction of Father Thomas Shahan, pastor of Saint Mary's in Taunton.  At the time of it's dedication, it was considered a mission church administered  by Father Shahan.


Located at the corner of Barrows Street and Taunton Avenue, this first church served the needs of Norton Catholics for sixty years. 

A Small But Growing Community

Under the leadership of Monsignor George Cain, in 1925, Saint Mary's ceased being a mission church and became one of the parishes of the Diocese of Fall River.  In 1924, a corner stone was laid for a new church at the corner of South Worcester and Power Streets.  In February 1925, the first Mass in the new church was celebrated.  In October of 1925, the "new" Saint Mary's would finally be led by it's very own pastor, the Reverend John McNamara.  

Saint Mary Building.jpg

Entering a New Millennium

Saint Mary's parish community continued to grow throughout the 20th century.  A new parish center was constructed in 1961 to accommodate the ever growing faith formation needs of our young families.  Soon, the vision turned to a new church building and in 2008, ground was broken on our new worship home. Dedicating the new church on April 25, 2010, Bishop Coleman reminded us; "It is not primarily about constructing a building...Ultimately it is about building our lives and those of our children and grandchildren on faith of God and in his Son, Jesus Christ."

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