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Our Weekly Schedule of Masses
Live Streamed and Public Celebration
M-T-W-F 9:00 AM
Saturday 4:00 PM
Sunday 8:00 AM
Sunday 10:30 AM ​
Monday, November 25th
Thanksgiving Mass
We will come together to give thanks for our blessings and to share with others.
The Confirmation students will ensemble the blessing bags.
Each Faith Formation grade has been asked to bring specific items.
Parishioners may participate by bringing forward during the offertory their donations from the following items.
$5.00 gift cards
Dunkin Donuts, McDonalds, Honey Dew, Subway
Hot Cocoa, tea bags, instant coffee
individual bags of oatmeal
Thank you for all you do to support those in need.
Bingo is held every Friday in our Parish Center with the exception of Holy Days.
Doors open at 4:00PM,
Early Bird Bingo begins at 6:00PM,
Regular Bingo starts at 6:30PM.
Food and drinks are available for purchase.
Please watch our Facebook page (St. Mary's Bingo Norton) for possible weather cancellations.
For any questions, please call Jan at:
Bingo is the #1 Fundraiser for our parish.
The kitchen is always in need of Candy, Water, and Soda. Monetary donations are gladly accepted.
Thank you for your continued support!!
Upcoming Events
Sunday, November 10th
The monthly Coffee and Donut Social will take place after the Sunday Masses in the gym.
This month's event is being sponsored by the Knights of Columbus.
All are welcome!
St. Mary's Cookbook
Cooking Time
Cookbooks may be purchased
for $15.00.
Cash or Check made payable to St. Mary's
Tuesday 7-7:45 pm
Singers wanted!
Choir Rehearsals for Christmas and Lessons and Carols will begin on Tuesday November 12th.
All are welcome
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